Monday, February 11, 2008

Plastics, like diamonds, are forever ! (gepikt!)

Anything that floats, no matter where it comes from on the north Pacific Rim or ocean, ends up here, sometimes afterdrifting around the periphery for twelve years or more. Historically, this debris did notaccumulate because it was eventually broken down by microorganisms into carbon
dioxide and water. Now, however, in our battle to store goods against natural
deterioration, we have created a class of products that defeats even the most creative and
insidious bacteria. They are plastics. Plastics are now virtually everywhere in our
modern society. We drink out of them, eat off of them, sit on them, and even drive in
them. They’re durable, lightweight, cheap, and can be made into virtually anything. But
it is these useful properties of plastics, which make them so harmful when they end up in
the environment. Plastics, like diamonds, are forever!
If plastic doesn’t biodegrade, what does it do? It “photo-degrades” – a process in which
it is broken down by sunlight into smaller and smaller pieces, all of which are still plastic
polymers, eventually becoming individual molecules of plastic, still too tough for
anything to digest.
Een tekst om uw Engels een beetje te oefenen; The biggest 'landfill' lies in the Pacific..

Of: een bevestiging van de vorige artikels en videos.
Van het goede teveel dus, net als het onderwerp van heel deze historie: plastic

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