Sunday, December 07, 2008

I'm dreaming of a green Christmas...

...and luckily I'm not alone...

Zoals u zelf wel had kunnen bedenken: de eindejaarsfeesten zorgen voor nóg meer afval,
dan ons gewone leven.

Het Kerstfeestje bij mijn schoonfamilie wordt dit jaar plastic-loos; tenminste wat de cadeautjes betreft.
Eten en drank zullen wél weer voor een hoop overbodig afval zorgen (zucht)

En in Amerika?
More household waste is produced between Thanksgiving and New Years than any other time of the year - as much as six million additional tons. The 2.6 billion holiday cards sold each year in the United States could fill a football field 10 stories high. And then there are the mountains of gift-wrap, Styrofoam peanuts, Christmas trees and candy boxes that generally end up in the landfill. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are alternatives to highly packaged gifts and prepared food trays.
Uit: Dreamin' of a green Christmas

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